Simple Ways To Affordably Grow A Small Business

Contrary to popular belief, growing a small business can be done without costing a fortune. It comes down to the investments an entrepreneur makes in the business, being careful to ensure that each new effort is about building and maintaining relationships and providing value.

As business experts, the members of Forbes Business Council are familiar with the actions it takes to affordably grow a small business. Read their recommendations below to determine what low-cost methods may work best for your business.

1. Carry Out A Marketing Strategy

Grow a small business by implementing an intentional marketing strategy that includes three daily activities. First, a marketing activity whereby if you do it today, you get paid today. Second, an activity where if you do it today, you can get paid today or next week. Finally, an activity where if you do it today, you’ll get paid at some point in the future. These activities allow for immediate revenue and scalability. – Carson Porter, REV Agency Syndicate

2. Talk About Your Business

I believe that it is important that you actually talk about your business. You may be very good at what you do, and your product or service may be top tier, but if no one knows, you and your product or service don’t exist. Speak up. – Michael J. Polk, Polk Properties / Matrix Properties

3. Join Community Groups

Join a bunch of local community groups on Facebook and recommend your company. Invite your past customers there as well, letting them become brand ambassadors for your company. If you have a referral program in place, this will increase the likelihood that past customers will go out of their way to promote you! – Michael Stearns, Ascend Digital Agency

4. Nurture Your Current Client Base

Retention, referrals and reviews are keys to sustaining the growth of small businesses. Acquiring new clients is more expensive than retaining existing ones. Nurturing the existing clientele during all touchpoints is key to growing a small business in a low-cost way. – Marilisa Barbieri

5. Use Social Media

One low-cost way to grow a small business is to use social media to reach a wider audience. With social media, businesses can connect with potential customers for free and build relationships that can lead to sales. Additionally, businesses can use social media to create content that can help them rank higher in search engines, which can also lead to more website visitors and sales. – Matthew Ramirez, Rephrasely

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